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What are the responsibilities of the Product Owner role

Author: Liam James Published on: Thursday Sep 22, 2022

The responsibilities of the Product Owner role in Scrum are many and it is not easy to explain them in one paragraph.

What are the responsibilities of the Product Owner role

All participants in the Scrum framework have obligations. People who do not know this Agile model of work in depth often think that Scrum is simple. But this is not so.

Here is the opinion on the subject of Samantha, who is currently a Scrum Product Owner trainee. We asked her the same questions and she shared her professional views.

What are the most important responsibilities of the Product Owner role?

Participates, belong to the entire "life cycle" of product creation, incl. its development.

Conducts and maintains constant, accessible communication with stakeholders. Clear and facilitated communication will lead to excellent collaboration, which in turn will contribute to the effective work of product development teams.

Creates Product Backlog (things/ideas that need to be done/implemented/removed), writes User stories (tasks/concepts) to introduce an effective work method that will create value for the organization, respectively satisfy stakeholders. More on the topic: “Responsibilities and skills of the Product Owner role in Scrum“,

Prioritizes the Product Backlog (the things/ideas that need to be done/implemented/removed) to achieve efficient work, namely to allocate attention (including time, labor, and effort) where it is needed, not where it is secondary. It starts with the important things, those that increase the value of the product, and proceeds to the unimportant. Reference: “What are the responsibilities of the Product Owner role in Scrum?”,

Time management is related to the 'life cycle' of product creation, incl. its development, combined with proper planning, given the specifics of the external environment.

Monitors product implementation progress, implementation time, and budget.

Who is the manager in Scrum?

There is no hierarchy in Scrum, but knowing the responsibilities of others in the team, and respecting the responsibilities of each role will help the whole team work like an 'oiled machine' - purposefully and efficiently. Read more: "What are the responsibilities of the Product Owner role?",

What does the value of work done mean?

When we have finished the important things/tasks on the product. We've allocated time and effort to the important things about the product.

What is a User Story?

An idea/concept/task submitted by users that the team should work on. Reference: User Stories Real Example. How to create user stories

Why might a User Story not mean a task that team members are working on?

Because being an idea/vision/concept concerning the product, its realization may imply the implementation of separate steps/tasks, i.e. 1 User Story to include several 'tasks'.

Which possible very early activity can be performed by the Product Owner role and stakeholders and why?

Building the Product Vision. To start the construction of a building, a foundation is needed on which to build. It is the same with the product vision - it is the foundation that will start the entire process of creating the product, and it will map out basic and essential data and information that will help in the design of the next levels.

What are the responsibilities of the Product Manager role in Scrum?

There is no such role in Scrum. In part, the Product Owner role requires mastery and knowledge of the material covering Product Management. Reference: "What are the responsibilities of the Product Owner role",

What are the important knowledge and qualities of the Product Owner role?

  1. The ability to communicate with stakeholders
  2. The ability to present the interests of stakeholders to the development team to make 'feedback' available
  3. Understands what it means to 'satisfy' stakeholders and achieves this through the correct application of Scrum principles and values
  4. Understands a practical direction and masters terms such as 'increased' and 'added' value
  5. Can plan and forecast
  6. He is prepared (including qualified) for the field of activity for which products are created Read also: "What are the responsibilities of the Product Owner role?",

What is the difference between the value to the users of a product and the value of the product from the perspective of its owners?

For the first (users) - the value is expressed in the fact that this product will facilitate their process of using it, reflect a positive aspect of their life, and improve it.

For the latter (the owners) – the value can be expressed in a financial aspect, increased profit, or an image aspect – to attract future target markets, for example.

How often does the Product Owner role have to direct the Development team in terms of how they should do their work?

He shouldn't. A Product Owner can only share given stakeholder feedback and/or prioritize some of the tasks to create a valuable product. Reference: "Certified Product Owner and Product Owner Certification Online",

Product Owner certification increases not only your skills and abilities but also your chances of getting started in the field. 

Certified Product Owners receive higher salaries and are respected by teams and stakeholders.

More on the topic: "Certified Product Owner role in Scrum teams",

What does prioritizing work mean?

To allocate attention (including time, labor, and effort) where it is necessary, not where it is secondary. It starts with the important things, those that increase the value of the product, and proceeds to the unimportant. Reference: What are the responsibilities of the Product Owner role in Scrum?,

Why should the Product Owner role prioritize work?

Constant communication with stakeholders and taking into account the dynamic external environment implies a change in requirements, ideas, and concepts, which in turn changes the priority tasks of creating and upgrading the product. It is the Product Owner's role that should strive for constant satisfaction of stakeholders. More on the topic: "What are the responsibilities of the Product Owner role?",

Why can stakeholders stop working on the product when, in terms of planned work, the product is not ready yet?

Because the development of the product to a certain phase, including certain functionalities and features of the product itself, may cover/have fulfilled the concept, the stakeholders' vision of product value.

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