HR Manager does not always ask questions during the interview. Sometimes a Human Resource Manager can also be a job candidate. If you work in HR activities, then you know how important it is to present the job applicant during your interview. And if you are applying as an HR manager, it must be flawless.
In this article, we present HR Manager interview questions with example answers for your successful performance. Read all the questions carefully as we offer you not only all the appropriate answers. In each paragraph, we share examples of bad answers to avoid.
Human Resource (HR) Manager example interview questions and answers
The material was written by a real student in the HR management discipline with excellent success. So we recommend that you learn from this knowledge in depth.
Personal presentation
Describe yourself in a few words, what do you like to do, what kind of person are you and how would your friends describe you?
The best expected possible answer: I am a positive and energetic person who loves communicating with people. After graduating from university, I worked in two advertising agencies, where I had the opportunity to develop my skills and I am already at a stage where I want to develop at a higher level, so I chose your organization. I love to travel, I love to play sports, my friends call me the charisma of the company (laughs).
The behavior of the candidate with a positive answer: Honest and honest answer, positive, with a sense of humor.
Negative possible answer: Well, I'm a good person, what can I tell you, you'll see during the conversation.
Behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer: Very slow and laconic answer, incomplete, and did not answer correctly the question that was asked.
Why do you want to work as a PR specialist and what attracts you to this position?
The best expected possible answer: I have been following your company for a long time, I have friends whom you have helped in my job search and I am quite impressed. The position attracts me with its dynamics, the way of communication, and the tasks it deals with. I have experience in this and it would be an honor for me to develop in your organization.
The behavior of the candidate with a positive answer: Direct and adequate answer, had eye contact, good and positive behavior and it seems that he has prepared himself with information about the position and the company. It is a good fact that he knows our candidates, whom we have helped to find a suitable job.
Negative possible answer: Well, I'm just looking for a job, I saw the ad and applied.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer: Concise answer, as if he is not interested in the question that was asked to him and he does not care whether we will hire him or not. He was not interested in the company in which he applied for an open position.
Do you work well in a team?
The best expected possible answer: Well, I'm a team player and I like working with my colleagues, working with people on a joint project. I think that working together brings much more good results. After all, an organization is created by different departments that interact with each other for the success of the organization. Reference: MuzoNet, Management and Business, https://www.muzonet.com/
The behavior of the candidate with a positive answer: Correct answer, quite communicative and positive candidate, skillfully handles words and monitors the importance of the conversation and the questions asked.
Negative possible answer: Well, no, I prefer individual work.
The behavior of the candidate with a negative answer: If we are all individualists in one company, then we should not expect growth and progress. We need to learn and work together, that is the key to success. This is not the answer you are looking for.
Communication skills and public relations
How do you imagine a working day as an HR manager in our company?
The best expected possible answer: I imagine a very dynamic and challenging day. Media relations, preparation of information materials, monitoring of all exhibitions in which we can participate, working with other departments on joint campaigns, preparation for them, and giving PR in the media and public space. Overall quite an interesting day, full of many meetings and contacts, as well as many tasks.
The behavior of the candidate with a positive answer: The candidate has high expectations for the position, he has knowledge of how one day would go in a future company and accordingly shows quite good feelings and intentions about performing tasks, which is a good sign that he will be responsible and what he does will fill him with pleasure.
Negative possible answer: Well, I can't imagine it yet, because I haven't started working for you and I don't know exactly what type of tasks I will have to perform.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - The candidate does not show any interest, at least in the announcement itself a summary of the position is described. Unacceptable behavior.
What are the most important personal characteristics for the success of public relations in a company?
The best expected possible answer: Skillful conversations, preparation of information for the media that does not damage the image of a company, teamwork, public speaking skills, and the ability to react quickly in any situation and quickly make adequate decisions. Reference: A Management Educational Library, Management Educational Library, https://customessaysonline.net/
The behavior of the candidate with a positive answer: This is exactly the skills we are looking for in one person, just such a combination of qualities to be able to successfully build this position.
Negative possible answer: I do not know exactly what are the personal characteristics for the success of HR management. Maybe perform tasks, I do not know.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer: Inaccurate, incomplete answer, no preparation for the interview, and concentration in the conversation.
Do you have experience in preparing different types of events and participating in exhibitions?
The best expected possible answer - is to have experience in preparing various events, participating in fairs and different types of exhibitions. The first advertising agency I worked for was mainly involved in organizing highlife events, various private parties, and charity events, so I learned a lot from there, made a lot of contacts and that helped me be very successful. Read more: Common Project Manager Interview Questions and Answers
The behavior of the candidate with a positive answer - all the time while talking, the candidate looked us in the eye, answered without thinking, confidently, and in a very positive voice.
Negative possible answer - well, I don't have one, so I would like to learn.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - based on the experience provided in the CV of the candidate it is clearly described that he was mainly involved in organizing events, which contradicts the answer he gives us at the moment.
Knowledge in social media
Do you have a vision of how social media is changing the world, and in particular its public relations relationship?
The best expected possible answer - well, yes, they have developed a lot in recent years and give a chance to even end-users to participate in this process, to express an opinion and so we can track their needs, change trends and create innovative approaches and services. Social media allows us to quickly and effectively create communities that share common interests, from which we can track feedback on our products and/or services.
The behavior of the candidate with a positive answer - it is obvious that the candidate is familiar with the nature of social media, has a prepared answer, and follows all the benefits that they can bring us.
Negative possible answer - well no, I'm not a fan of social media.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - the inappropriate answer to this question, given that social media, is part of this position and everyone should know them and know how to handle them.
Do you have experience in preparing an HR management plan?
The best expected possible answer: To have participated in the creation of many HR management plans. Reference: Why do you want to study Human Resources Management?
I am always interested in preparing for the plan, choosing the target group, media, products, message, etc. The last campaign was related to an innovative product, for which we had prepared various packages, workshops, and various videos to show each of the product features. It was a very successful campaign and our profit was three times higher than expected.
The behavior of the candidate with a positive answer - quick answer without thinking, shows experience, remembers the last campaign he worked for, which shows that he has invested a lot of effort and diligence and is proud of the success of the campaign. Reference: “Types of Human Resource Management”
Negative possible answer - well, I've worked on media campaigns, but I don't remember which one was the last.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - laconic answer for rejecting the number. Even if he worked, he should know every campaign, the message, and the success or failure of it. Shows disinterest.
Which media platforms have you used in your last work?
The best expected possible answer - Linkin, Twitter, various blogs and social platforms of companies, Facebook, Google, conferences, and much more.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a positive answer - quick answer, adequate, demonstration of experience with media platforms.
Negative possible answer - well, I think I worked with Twitter and that's it. From so many tasks, can anyone remember which platforms he worked with?
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - the manifestation of extreme incompetence and lack of interest. Contradicts the information in the resume.
Situational issues
What is your approach to dealing with conflicts? Share an example and situation
The best expected possible answer - sometimes we have had conflicts, about what information should be reported in the media. For me, it has always been in the first place to present extremely accurate information that is attractive to end-users, in any case not to lie to them, so that we can win fair and loyal customers to our meeting. Well, presenting the facts and arguing have always been my approaches, which I have dealt with in such situations, and so far they have been very successful.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a positive answer - that's right, the key is for the end-user to be very well informed and satisfied after working with us. Correctness and loyalty are also enshrined in our principles. Very good behavior.
Negative possible answer - I had a lot of conflicts, but I did not use an approach, I left others to fix.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - incorrect answer, in general, the candidate looks away all the time and is quite slow in giving answers.
Share situations in which you were able to successfully communicate with another person who may not have liked you personally. How did you succeed?
The best expected possible answer - Well, there was feedback from end-users, which was quite rude and went beyond reason. I have always watched the conversation go in the right direction, not escalate and provide honest and correct answers so that they are understood and satisfy the curiosity of the end-user.
The behavior of the candidate with a positive answer - quite adequate response and ability to control a situation and ability to lead the conversation in the right direction.
Negative possible answer - well, I've had a lot of situations like that. But we can't all like each other.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - evasive and incorrect answer, speaks of incompetence and irresponsibility.
Describe a situation in which you had to overcome an obstacle and how this helped you to succeed in your work?
The best expected possible answer - I have had such situations. For example, a media campaign cannot start on the set start date, or we have already published prices that change drastically during the campaign, and they are printed with the original flyers, etc. I have always kept my composure and looked for a way to resolve the situation, quick reaction, and properly present information to the end-user.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a positive answer - The candidate has the experience, answers without thinking have eye contact, and does not pause to find the right words. He just knows what to say based on the experience he has had so far.
Negative possible answer - well, I don't remember, I may have had, I may not have.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - unfortunately, this is not the answer we expect. If the candidate does not remember such situations, it means that he was not interested in what he was doing and such a person will not be useful to our organization.
Concluding remarks
Do you think there is something you forgot to tell us that would be important for the position you are applying for?
The best expected possible answer - I remember forgetting to tell you that in recent months I had joined the PMA Academy, where I completed a program for HR manager and public relations. There were many practical exercises, a mentor who always guides you in the right direction through advice, through examples, separately the modules give you additional knowledge in the specialty in which you want to realize yourself. So I think that with this knowledge, I would also contribute to the success of the company.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a positive answer - it can be seen that the candidate is interested in additional certification, wants to learn, to realize even higher, to acquire new knowledge, and to contribute with innovative approaches for the benefit of the organization.
Negative possible answer - no, I don't remember, I think we said everything.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - the candidate was not interested in the topics of conversation during the whole interview, as if he was absent in this conversation, he answered in one or two words as if he did not want to talk to us. Very slow, very slow, at times even impudent.
As far as I understand from the telephone interview, you have two months for notice, is it possible to shorten this period?
The best expected possible answer - well, it's all a matter of agreement. I can talk to my boss and, if I am in this position, inform you at a later stage.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a positive answer - a manifestation of initiative for shortening the deadline. The candidate wants to start working with us as soon as possible.
A negative possible answer - is to have two months, but there is no possibility to shorten this period.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - of course, each company has its policy. Very sluggish behavior.
Is there anything you want to ask us?
The best expected possible answer - Well, I think everything has already been said in this interview. I want to thank you sincerely for the frank and positive conversation and I will be happy to be part of your organization because this is my dream.
The behavior of the candidate with a positive answer - Do not forget to thank and highlight the fact how much he wants to work for us. He speaks quite well about it, about the fact that he followed us how we develop in the market and he believes that we will contribute to its development as well.
Negative possible answer - no. Thanks.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - The candidate had almost nothing to say all the time. But at least he didn't forget to say thank you at the end.
Option 1 - This is the perfect candidate for us. Communicative, experienced, good at conversations, has the skills to be a speaker, proactive with a sense of responsibility, and quick response in situations of tension and confusion. He did not think much about giving answers, he was quite prepared and all the skills overlap with the information about his professional experience given in the CV.
Next steps: validation of the languages will follow and if everything is fine he will have a practical task and if he succeeds we will offer him a job offer.
Option 2 - Muden, almost did not speak, gave very evasive answers, the information did not overlap with that in his autobiography. He seemed inexperienced, not behaving like a mature person in an interview who wanted to have that position.
We will return an email with negative feedback.
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Sample questions for a good presentation of an interview for the position of Trainer / Mentor
Although the mentor is not an HR manager, we still recommend that you read this section if you want to develop as a Human Resource Manager.
Personal presentation
Describe yourself in a few words, what do you like to do most of the time?
The best expected possible answer - I am very positive, communicative, I like to travel and read books.
The behavior of the candidate with a positive answer - looks me in the eye when speaking, positive and polite tone.
Negative possible answer - well, what can I say about myself, I'm a social person, um, I prefer to sit at home and that's it.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - extremely sluggish, angry facial expression, and high ego.
Is there anything that worries you right now that you would like to discuss?
The best expected possible answer - I feel at ease among you, use a very effective positive approach to predispose me to the interview.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a positive answer - positive look, good verbal communication, the candidate felt at ease in our company.
Negative possible answer - well, I feel a little worried about your looks, but it doesn't matter.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - bad behavior and impudent behavior
What did you like about our proposal that made it attractive to motivate you to apply?
The best expected possible answer - What provoked me to apply for this position is that you follow human principles and defend the rights of the employee.
In addition, my profile meets all the requirements for the fulfillment of official commitments.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a positive answer - adequate answer, speak concerning us. Uses appropriate language for communication.
Negative possible answer - well, I just saw the ad and applied for it because I'm looking for a job.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - unacceptable answer, speaking even looking at the phone.
Communication skills
Can you give us an example of when you had to present to a large audience and what were the challenges in this situation?
The best expected possible answer - I was in a large software company, where I had to present to 500 people the proper use of software products and the change in the digital sphere. The company had also invited technical engineers from Romania. I had to show a high dose of competence and professionalism to win over the audience and intrigue them with the information I present to them. Everyone was very pleased, and even then I was invited to go to a similar lecture at the office in Romania.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a positive answer - extremely representative answer, impressive behavior during the provision of this information.
Negative possible answer - I did not have a presentation in front of a large audience.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - Provides inconsistent contradictory information.
What innovative approaches have you used in teaching so far, and has there been a situation where you had to switch to another approach to fit in with your audience?
Best expected possible answer - As an innovation, I used interactive teaching methods, such as group work with students, discussion of unreal situations and conclusions from them, visualization, brainstorming, as well as asking cases and solving them to help students to understand the material more easily and in practice. There were times when I had to switch from a standard approach to an interactive one to get the audience's attention.
The behavior of the candidate with a positive answer - great behavior, adequate response, concentration in speech, and ability to react promptly to the situation.
Negative possible answer - So far I have used only standard teaching methods, I have not had a case for an innovative approach.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - does not take initiative and does not know innovative approaches to offer quality teaching. He didn't seem to care what he said.
How do you make sure the audience you're presenting to understands you correctly? Tell us about a situation where you had to use these skills at work.
The best expected possible answer - I always ask questions related to the material. Each theory I teach is related to a situation from my life experience, explained simply so that the audience understands me. I always use these skills, it is important to me that the material that reaches the audience is understood and rethought so that it helps employees in the future to cope with their official tasks.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a positive answer - in answering, the candidate follows a skillful logic with which to convey the result of his approach. Extremely adequate reactions and it seems that he has extensive experience in this field.
Negative possible answer - well, I'm just passing on the material and I don't care if the audience understood me.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - atypical answer, inadequate answer, and incorrect reaction to the question. He is unprepared for the interview.
Have you ever had a situation where you had to change a process or approach and what result did this initiative of yours lead to?
The best expected possible answer is that there have been situations where I have had a difficult audience in front of me, when in fact they want to know something else, not exactly what I am presenting. I am always prepared with backup options, change tactics, lead conversations and conversations in the right direction and strive for what is ultimately required to be conveyed, understood, and help the audience in a future real situation. I have received a lot of positive feedback from executives who have been quite pleased with such a change of approach.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a positive answer - can handle words well, listens and does not interrupt, and gives an adequate answer. Focused on the conversation.
Negative possible answer - I have never changed my approach. I am a principled person and I work on what I am given as a task.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - this answer shows that the person is not adaptable to change and innovative approaches.
How do you develop your qualification skills?
The best expected possible answer - additional training, I follow all topics related to innovative approaches, certificates, etc.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a positive answer - a positive answer, it is obvious that the candidate strives for constant development and improvement.
Negative possible answer - well, I have developed enough, there is nothing more to develop.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - too impudent answer, no motivation to develop and learn new approaches.
Have you had a situation in which you recognized a potential problem during the work, solved it, and what result did this lead to?
The best expected possible answer - I have had many such situations. During my teaching, for example, I realized that the employees are trying to retrain for another position, and the assignment I received turned out to be completely different. Accordingly, an error was made. Then I started playing role-playing games, teaching by example, and on the go, I teach the important theory needed for this knowledge.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a positive answer - quick reaction, quite adequate answer. He seems to have a lot of experience in teaching and can react to different situations. Positive speech, positive attitude.
Negative possible answer - well, I had such a situation, but I did not react much. I just teach myself the things I have prepared for.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - he is not able to react in a dynamic environment, to find ways to deal with problems, as well as to work for the satisfaction of the audience. He was chewing gum during the conversation.
Time management skills
Have you ever missed a deadline, how did this affect your work, and what were the consequences?
The best expected possible answer - well, it hasn't happened to me so far, to be honest. With the time and experience I gained, I learned to prioritize things and be able to manage my time and meet deadlines.
The behavior of the candidate with a positive answer - There were no pauses, no behavior to doubt his answer, quite skillful conversation and focus on it.
Negative possible answer - it has happened to me, not to mention quite often. After all, these are the risks of the profession.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - quite selfish and inadequate answer, there was not even face-to-face contact with us.
How do you plan a workday that is filled with an infinite number of tasks?
The best expected possible answer - In the morning I always take walks in the park, drink coffee afterward, sit down and start making a work schedule. I prioritize my tasks and tackle those that have the highest priority. I always mark my rest time so that I can be more productive and I have no problems so far. This method works well for me and my tasks.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a positive answer - this is exactly the answer I expected. Quite adequate and prepared. It seems that the candidate has the experience and over time has acquired the ability to manage their time and set each task with priority.
Negative possible answer - well, I have a rather chaotic work schedule, sometimes I don't even manage to complete all the work tasks for the day.
The behavior of candidate in case of a negative answer - does not know how to follow the conversation and has no experience with planning his tasks.
Has there been a situation in which you were late to give a presentation or teach to retrain an employee?
The best expected possible answer - no, I would never allow it. However, if there is such a moment in the future, I will always warn the partners and I will schedule another meeting, and accordingly, I will try to get revenge with additional material or something else. For me, the implementation of tasks is a top priority and a responsible person would never allow to be late or behave irresponsibly in the work process.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a positive answer - a sense of responsibility and fulfillment of the set tasks, without twists.
Negative possible answer - if there were such situations, it is normal to happen.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - to have such situations, but we must always try to prevent them, the behavior of the candidate is more than irresponsible and unsubstantiated.
Stress management
Have you had many stressful situations so far and could you give us an example in which you managed to control the growing tension
The best expected possible answer - in every job there are stressful situations, regardless of the position and nature of work. Yes, I had groups that were not interested in what I teach, or the training that I prepared was not interesting, but in that case, I always changed the approach to reach the heads of students and attract their interest. to what I teach. So far I have succeeded, but each such situation has given me guidance on how to improve and how to react in such a situation.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a positive answer - he expresses himself very well, it seems that he is quite prepared for the interview, which also contributes to his positive attitude.
Negative possible answer - yes, I have had a lot of stressful situations, but I have never been able to control the growing tension.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - unacceptable answer, for me this answer means that the candidate is not interested in what is happening and does not even care whether he will be approved for the position or not.
Working with many people sometimes creates additional stress, have you ever been aggressive when it came to behaving aggressively towards students?
The best expected possible answer - I have never allowed myself to behave aggressively, even in the most stressful situations. I like working with people and I always keep calm and self-control intense situations. After all, I love my job and it has never bothered me.
The behavior of the candidate with a positive answer - a perfect answer, says a lot about the principles that the candidate follows and that he does everything from the heart and soul.
Negative possible answer - if there were such cases, we have even come to more in-depth conflict situations.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - aggressive behavior that does not meet the requirements for our perfect candidate.
Has there been a case when a stressful situation in your personal life affects the professional performance of your work tasks?
The best expected possible answer - I never confuse personal with professional life. Yes, there are always situations when something personal presses us, happens, and affects our mood. However, work is work, tasks must be completed and the principles I follow are never to mix things up, and this has worked quite successfully so far.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a positive answer - extremely good answer. The candidate reacts quite cleverly to the question and touches on all facts and aspects.
Negative possible answer - yes, this thing has happened to me quite often.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - laconic answer, without arguments and subsequent actions.
Concluding remarks
Do you think there is something you forgot to tell us that would be important for the position you are applying for?
The best expected possible answer - yes, I would like to tell you about all the programs I have worked with, what style of presentations I have developed and how I have optimized my work tasks.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a positive answer - The candidate was quite focused during the whole interview, he followed all the questions we asked him, and accordingly, he touches on a topic that we did not say.
Negative possible answer - well no, everything is fine.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - evasive answer, with which the candidate wants us to end the interview.
If we hire you for this position, how do you think you will contribute to the success of the company?
The best expected possible answer - with different experience, energy, and approach, with a dedication to work, timely fulfillment of deadlines, and loyalty to the organization. I think that things should be done well, even if it costs more effort.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a positive answer - The candidate is self-confident, knows what he wants to achieve and how to work for a company. He did not hesitate for a moment about how to answer this question.
Negative possible answer - well, I don't know. Hire me and you will see.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - there is no argumentation, no presentation of advantages and it is not the answer we expect.
Is there anything you want to ask us?
The best expected possible answer - Yes, I would like you to tell me a little more about the inner atmosphere and colleagues and accordingly give me information about the terms of the contract and what are your goals for this position?
The behavior of the candidate in case of a positive answer - a manifestation of the strong interest in the position and goals of the company. This is the perfect candidate we are looking for. He will protect our interests and work for the good of the company.
Negative possible answer - I have no questions, everything was clear.
The behavior of the candidate in case of a negative answer - an incompetent candidate, who was not at all interested in being interviewed for a job all the time, answered quite succinctly and without arguments to defend his position. We do not need such a candidate to work for us, this is contrary to our principles, and hiring him will not be useful to the organization.
Option 1 - This is the perfect candidate for us. He has a lot of experience behind him, he has many innovative approaches in the field of teaching and preparing training materials. He can work under stress, speak in front of a very large audience, and make quick and timely decisions if something goes wrong during the presentation.
He understands our sector and we believe that he will be a good addition to our team and will work for the good and success of the company.
Next steps: validation of the languages will follow and if everything is fine he will have a practical task and if he succeeds we will offer him a job offer.
Option 2 - He was not completely interested in the conversation, did not respond at times, even had aggressive behavior, chewed gum, unacceptable behavior. He also gave incorrect answers, incompetent and low level of qualification. We are not looking for such a candidate, he does not match our profile. We will return an email with negative feedback.